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Meetup Archive
February Meetups 2021

The Sex Meetup

The Sex Meetup Featuring Cory Wade Sex can be fun, exhilarating, weird, and ooey-gooey. What have we learned about sex and what has been left

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March Meetups 2021

Mixed Babies Meetup

Mixed Babies Featuring Sonia Smith-King Have you seen the social media tags & accounts dedicated to “pretty mixed kids” & “beautiful mixed-race babies”? Where is

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July Meetups 2021

Food Sovereignty Meetup

Food Sovereignty Featuring Olinka Green Accessibility to nutrition has a huge impact on peoples’ lives and well being. Follow along with our meetup booklet as

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October Meetups 2021

Sacred Seams Meetup

Sacred Seams Featuring Carla Marie Munoz & Darvette Lefthand This month, we are coming together to overview the importance of what people wear and how

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The Mixed Space Meetup Archive
February Meetups 2021

The Sex Meetup

The Sex Meetup Featuring Cory Wade Sex can be fun, exhilarating, weird, and ooey-gooey. What have we learned about sex and what

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March Meetups 2021

Mixed Babies Meetup

Mixed Babies Featuring Sonia Smith-King Have you seen the social media tags & accounts dedicated to “pretty mixed kids” & “beautiful mixed-race

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