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Meetup Archive
December Meetups 2021

Religiously Mixed Meetup

Religiously Mixed Featuring Rabbi Marjorie Berman & Riyanna Zafira Razzalee TMS is gathering this month to explore how our religious or spiritual identities intertwine during

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Breaking Bread Meetup

Breaking Bread Navigating Mixed Family Politics As we approach a season of gathering, we can’t help but wonder how our community interacts with loved ones

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Hair Stories Meetup

Hair Stories: Detangling the Stigma Hair has always been a significant way that people across cultures express themselves. However, if you’re like us, you know

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The Mixed Space Meetup Archive

Hair Stories Meetup

Hair Stories: Detangling the Stigma Hair has always been a significant way that people across cultures express themselves. However, if you’re like

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